jueves, 21 de julio de 2016

Friday 22th - Digital Artefacts and 3 slides


Thursday 21th (2)- Irish Ceili Dancing

Thursday 21th - Presentations by Teachers

Easily turn a Google™ Spreadsheet into a Set of Online Flashcards and Other Cool Stuff
(For creating kind of quizzes)

Teachers' Presentations:

iMovie for ipadas by Katri from Finlad
iMovie iPad Tutorial

by Angelov from Bulgaria
by someone from Zaragoza **my popplet**

Quizzes using Calc, by Gregorio from Cadiz

by Jordy from Alicante
by Jordi from Alicante
by Jordi from Alicante
by Giancarlo from Italy

****my embed popplet****

martes, 19 de julio de 2016

Tuesday 19th - Seesaw, Video Apps and Webs for Teachers.

Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students of all ages to independently document and share what they are learning at school
Microsoft Photo Story is a free application that allows users to create a visual story (show and tell presentation) from their digital photos

Microsoft Live Movie Maker

Video Apps:
***** my first animoto ****

(an App recomended by Isabel from Zaragoza)

***** my first kizoa collage *****

**** my first kizoa video **** (on works)
(an App recomended by Katri from Finland)

****** my first Spark ****** (on works)

(an App recomended by Jordi from Alicante,used in his mobile phone)

Magisto automatically turns your everyday videos and photos into beautifully edited movies, perfect for sharing.

***** my first magisto **** (on works)

Basic camera shots for filmmaking:

Webs for Teachers' Resources and Information:

http://www.edutopia.org/ - Working to improve public schools with resources, tools, and solutions for teachers, administrators, and parents

http://www.readwritethink.org/ - Providing educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction

http://www.literacyshed.com/ - A website for teachers filled with ideas for literacy teaching using visual resources such as film, animation, photographs and picture books. (Primary School)


http://www.digitaldialects.com/ - Games to practice languages
http://keepvid.com/ - Youtube downloader

https://tagul.com/ (recomended by Katri)

lunes, 18 de julio de 2016

Monday 18th (3) - Dun Loaghaire

Monday 18th (2) - Lino, Drawing tools, Ninite and Geogebra

lino is an online stickies service that offers stickies and canvases. You can post, see and peel off stickies on canvases freely.

Linoit instructions - Spanish (recursostic observatorio)
Linoit Instructions - doc by Fiona
Linoit ppt by Fiona
**** My first Lino Canvas  ****

Drawing Tools

Use Snipping Tool, a windows tool, to capture a screen shot, or snip, of any object on your screen, and then annotate, save, or share the image.

Microsoft Paint Tutorial - Adapted by Neil O'Sullivan

Monday 18th - Internet Safety

Other webs:

Kiddle - Visual search engine for kids

Webonauts - http://pbskids.org/webonauts/

Webwise - http://www.webwise.ie/

Think before you click - http://www.thinkb4uclick.ie/

PDST - http://www.pdsttechnologyineducation.ie/en/

Wild web wood - http://www.wildwebwoods.org/popup_langSelection.php

domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

Sunday 17th - Glendalough and Kilkenny

Glendalough is home to one of the most important monastic sites in Ireland. This early Christian monastic settlement was founded by St. Kevin in the 6th century and from this developed the “Monastic City”
More information: http://www.glendalough.ie/

Kilkenny is a medieval city with a population of 24,423 (2011), is known internationally as a centre for craft and design. Tourism, agriculture food processing, financial services, light engineering and craft & design are the main industries in the county. Throughout the year Kilkenny hosts a number of international festivals and the city is a popular tourist destination.

More photos (Sunday 17th)

sábado, 16 de julio de 2016

Saturday 16th July - Howth

Tidily positioned at the foot of a bulbous peninsula, the pretty port village of Howth (the name rhymes with 'both') is a major fishing centre, yachting harbour and one of the most sought-after addresses in town.
Howth is divided between the upper headland – where the best properties are, discreetly spread atop the gorse-rich hill where there are some fine walks and spectacular views of Dublin Bay – and the busy port town, where all the restaurants are (as well as an excellent weekend farmers market).

More photos (Saturday 16th)

viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

Friday 15th July


Glogster Presentation


**** My first thinglink ****



**** my first socrative quiz ****(on works)

Link with examples by Neil (spreadsheet)


**** my first kahoot ****

Other tools from colleges:

- Maps games - App recomended by Katri from Finland

- Infographics- App recomended by Patricia from Tenerife

- Designed layouts- App recomende by Jordi from Alicante

At 13:30h we went to the National Museum:

And at about 16h we rented a bike and went to Phoenix Park: